How to get your frame, just right.

How to get your frame, just right. - SC-Art-Frames


This porridge is too hot! This porridge is too cold! This porridge is just right.

There is a valuable lesson we can learn from the famous Goldilocks fairy-tale when it comes to selecting the correct Frame size and inclusions for your unique art or memorabilia. A frame that is too bright, too dull, too small, or too large may have a negative impact on the piece you want to frame.

When framing your art or memorabilia, you need to get the mix of frame size, matboard and colour choice, just right.


When it comes to framing your photos and artwork, one size does not fit all. There are several decisions to be made, including style, colour, texture, and proportion, that can make or break a design. Balancing all these elements is key.

The first choice in the design process is colour. Colours that are too bold or too bright can make your art look washed out. A better option for you may be to choose a variation of a colour in your print, matboard or frame. This will help draw your eye to the artwork, not detract from it.

Your next step is to select a frame style. Current trends may seem like the easy choice, but they are not always right for your unique piece. On the other hand, period frames may seem too ornate or elaborate for your personal taste. The key to finding the right balance is to choose a style that works for you and for your artwork.

Finally, it is important to keep proportion in mind. If you add a pattern to your frame design, make sure it is to scale and coordinates with your print, photo, or memorabilia. Large patterns and textures can dwarf delicate or detailed images. The size of your finished piece is also important. A small frame placed on a large wall can get lost, while a large frame in a small space can feel overwhelming or suffocating. Consider where you will be displaying your art and the frame’s proportion to the room.

A successful design will keep the focus on your artwork, not its surroundings. You do not want to see the framing when you look at your overall piece, you want the frame to enhance your piece.


Matboards are a fundamental component of almost every framed picture. However, understanding the vast range of information and choices available in matboards can be daunting to comprehend.

Firstly, what is the purpose of matboards?

The primary purpose of matboards is to provide protection for the artwork and enhance the framing design. The perfect matboard can enhance and help the viewer to focus correctly on the image. This can be achieved through a combination of distance, balance, proportion, and colour.

The main reason why our customers choose to custom frame artwork or memorabilia is to protect and preserve the item that they are framing. The matboard is designed to support a piece and provides a safe distance between the artwork and the glass.

Some common pitfalls to look out for when choosing your matboard are below.

If your work is not framed correctly, even the most minor environmental changes can create condensation and moisture build up on the surface of the glass which can in turn damage your artwork or memorabilia.

In the absence of a matboard, you could use a glass spacer to facilitate this function. However, not all glass spacers are designed to protect the artwork it touches.

There are some matboards such as decorative matboards that can gradually cause irreparable damage to art though direct contact over time.


Does finding the right sized frame for your small print or painting appear to be a daunting task? A larger frame might just be the answer you are looking for.

A larger frame, around smaller art or prints will give you the creative freedom to use a wider matboard. This increases the space between art and frame, the result being your print or pictures are now the centre of attention.

You could also add an inner frame for fillet and effectively increase the size of your pictures while adding a touch of elegance. It draws attention to the subject without overwhelming it.

Be mindful that a small frame sometimes overwhelms smaller art. A larger frame will give your art the space it needs to look the best that it can.

Remember, balance is key to getting your framed work, just right.

Sunshine Coast Art and Framing Gallery have a team of framing experts that can help you through your unique journey of framing the art and prints that are special to you. No frame is too big or small, we will help you get the perfect result for your artwork.