Sunshine Coast Art & Framing create opportunities to help local artists thrive wherever possible.
The Gallery Cafe addition at our Minyama location has been pivotal in creating innovative ways to engage with artists, including providing them with a space to host workshops. These workshops allow local artists to keep their creativity flowing, share their artistic knowledge and increase their community exposure.
We are committed to providing engaging workshops for the Sunshine Coast and working with various artists and mediums.
Our consistent engagement with local artists allows us direct access to the Sunshine Coast’s best artistic talent, and we are grateful to these amazing artists who give their time to encourage and inspire our local community.
Local artist Kimmyg will host Sunshine Coast Art & Framing’s October artist workshops. Kimmy works in many different mediums, including glass (lead lighting, kiln work, flameworking), jewellery and silversmithing, painting (watercolour, acrylic and mixed media), machine embroidery, textiles, handmade books and journals.
Kimmyg's teaching experience includes a variety of workshops through Flying Arts, RADF, TAFE and private tuition. She is an informed and experienced teacher who takes great delight in sharing information and passing on her skills.
When: Wednesday, 11th October, 2023.
This workshop is an introduction to making unique and beautiful handmade books. We will focus on the simplest possible two-hole bindings that do not require needle sewing. For this workshop, we will use readily available media. You will leave the workshop with five books completed.
We will provide you with written instructions regarding putting your books together.
Kit / Workshop Materials Inclusions:
- All materials and use of tools needed to create five books using coloured paper inserts and acid-free cartridge paper 130gsm.
- Cover patterns have been pre-printed, but spares will be available if you want to swap some out.
- Additional kits may be available for purchase on the day.
Pre-requisite skills: Nil
You may wish to bring a notebook and pencil for taking your own notes, although full instructions will be provided. We will send you a list (short and inexpensive) of what you need to bring at least two weeks before the workshop date.
Workshop length: 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the workshop.)
Price: $115 per attendee.
When: Wednesday 18th October, 2023.
This workshop is an introduction to making unique and beautiful handmade books in the Japanese style. We will focus on four commonly seen stab bindings/sewn bindings. For this workshop, we will use readily available media. You will go away with four books, hopefully all completed.
You will be provided with written instructions and diagrams regarding the process of putting your books together.
Kit / Workshop Materials Inclusions:
- All materials and use of tools needed to create four books using coloured and white 80gsm paper inserts (pages).
- Cover patterns have been pre-printed, but spares will be available if you want to swap some out.
Pre-requisite skills: Nil
You may wish to bring a notebook and pencil for taking your own notes, although full instructions will be provided. We will send you a list (short and inexpensive) of what you need to bring at least two weeks before the workshop date.
Price: $95 per attendee
Workshop length: 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the workshop.)
We encourage interested customers to check our updated calendar and get in early for our artist-host workshops, as spaces fill quickly.
Our Gallery Cafe space is also available to hire to conduct your own workshops.
Contact Sunshine Coast Art & Framing on 5444 0009 or complete an online form for more information.